The guys at Rogue Sheep must have heard my pleas and those of other Mac developers like me who lament the lack of controls in Interface Builder that match the “implicit-HIG” that current Apple applications exhibit.

Back in my WWDC (2006) Guesses, I wrote:

But instead of trying to look into industry trends, here’s just what I myself would like to see… new UI widgets, like:
The entire bar that has the “+” button, the gear popup button and grabber that appears in

Well at WWDC, I asked around and got nada. Looks like I was on my own again. Which is sort of a shame, since this set of controls has been reinvented more times than the wheel or something like that. I should put together a little gallery of them. But now Rogue Sheep comes to the rescue with their RSControls.

Here’s a little screenshot of them:

RSControls screenshot

I’ll probably be leveraging these in the next version of WebnoteHappy. Thanks Rogue Sheep!