Graham Miln asked “What does The Life mean to me?”

I think Brent Simmons, creator of NetNewsWire and MarsEdit put it best in an interview with Jeff Harrell of The Shape of Days blog. Unfortunately, the link has been obscured by an interview with Andy Hertzfeld and is also on hiatus. I found the quote of the Brent Simmons interview that I was looking for on Daring Fireball though:

[Brent Simmons]: But the main thing to remember is what Walt Disney said, “I don’t make movies to make money. I make money to make more movies.” We went into this business wanting to make software. Money allows us to continue making software.

When I read that, a bell went off in my head: ding! Exactamundo! That’s pretty much what The Life means to me: its a sustainable way to make great Mac apps and keep making them. And hopefully that make a lot of Mac users happy.