We released WebnoteHappy 1.3.2 earlier today.

Here is what’s new in this release:

  1. New: Shortcut support for Camino 1.6
  2. New: Tag browser can now be tabbed to
  3. New: Started catching 503 response code from del.icio.us API, which means that user has been throttled
  4. Leopard fix: Library folder not edited when tabbing away from Source list
  5. Fixed dragging webnotes to Mail.app
  6. Fixed new webnote creation for URLs that have spaces in them
  7. Fixed AppleScript tags accessor
  8. Fixed Edit sheet bug where we would get an empty token bubble if there were no tags
  9. Removed secure communication preference to del.icio.us, since all requests must go over https now
  10. Updated SparklePlus framework