I just released WebnoteHappy 1.2! It’s even more del.icio.us. What do I mean by that? You now have the full roundtrip from your desktop to del.icio.us and back. The previous versions already uploaded your changes immediately to del.icio.us after you share publicly, save privately, or change any previously shared/saved webnotes. 1.2 adds the ability to periodically synchronize with any changes made via the web interface of del.icio.us. To enable this, go to the Preferences window and choose a time interval other than “Manual” in the “Import from del.icio.us:” dropdown menu. I modeled that loosely off of NetNewsWire’s Downloading preference.

Also for del.icio.us is being able to choose whether your new webnotes will be shared, saved privately, or kept locally. Previously in 1.1, it was just whatever you last chose. After further reflection, it seemed like you as the user needed more control over this, so here you go! This is available in the Preferences window under “Default sharing status for new webnotes:”. The default is “Keep local”.

But if you want to have a pure del.icio.us experience with the elegance of a desktop app, just fire up WebnoteHappy, set the Import from del.icio.us preference to “Every 30 minutes”, and the Default sharing status to “Share publicly via del.icio.us”. Even in this mode, you can always choose to keep any webnote local or make it private on del.icio.us.

There’s lots of other good stuff in the new version, like support for the add/edit hot key in Firefox (thanks mph!) and Shiira (the new browser on the block.) Lots of crowd favorites like being able to edit more fields of a webnote, specifically the URL. Handy for those really long URLs. I originally resisted this since I use URLs as unique identifiers for webnotes, but I worked through the changes need to make this happen. Also the main window will stay closed/hidden when you use the add/edit hot key. Finally, there’s two new hot keys, one for editing a webnote (Command-E) and renaming a webnote (Command-Return).

Enjoy! Now I’m off to do some skunkworks coding to prepare for WWDC. :)