Last Saturday was a very Mac-filled day. In the afternoon, I went to the Washington Apple Pi (or the Pi for short) annual picnic. The Pi is my local user group where I get together with other Mac enthusiasts in the DC area. It was pretty enjoyable. Good folks and good food.

We had a special guest: Bob LeVitus, aka Dr. Mac. He talked about The State of the Mac and all sorts of other things. A very cool guy who always has something interesting to say. He specializes in fixing your Mac. I talked to him about he worked and it seemed pretty advanced. He definitely knows his stuff. He gave away a few copies of Mac OS X Tiger for Dummies which he wrote. I also snagged some Dummies post-it notes.

I tried to do my part by giving away a license of WebnoteHappy. Graham Young, a fellow Pi member, was the winner. Congrats Graham!

Later in the evening, I attended the initial meeting of CocoaDevHouse Washington DC, but that’s a whole another blog post! (That I’ll write up soon…)