I’m curious to see what people think of the integration options between Safari and WebnoteHappy. So you have three choices, although one is relatively tedious: New webnote from Safari from within WebnoteHappy. Its good, but you have to be in WebnoteHappy. Probably you are in Safari when you see something interesting.

So you have two options: use the global hotkey (Command-Shift-D by default) or use the bookmarklet.

The global hotkey is nice in that a window pops up where you can type your comments, press Enter and you’re done. You’re back to where you were in Safari and your webnote is saved away for later retrieval in WebnoteHappy. Note that WebnoteHappy has to be running for the hotkey to be active.

The bookmarklet is also nice, but in a different way. You have to install it, although there is a starter webnote that explains it as well as a menu item: “File > Install Safari Bookmarklet”.

It sits in your Bookmarks Bar and when you press it, it brings you over to WebnoteHappy to edit the webnote. This will happen even if WebnoteHappy is not running. You can even use the Safari hotkey to trigger the bookmarklet, depending on where it is. For example, if it is the first bookmark in the Bookmarks Bar, you can use Command-1 to trigger it. The only issue is you have to get back to Safari manually. Command-Tab to switch back is one way, though Command-H (to hide) will work too, as will mousing back to Safari.

So which one do you like better: the global hot key or the bookmarklet?