Brian Cooke emailed me about my comment in my announcement about WebnoteHappy Lite 1.0b15, about the new feature to add a webnote manually:

Hopefully this tides over the Firefox, Camino, and OmniWeb users until I get them better integration.

He thought that was incorrect, since he tried out the Add webnote bookmarklet in OmniWeb and it worked. Well, except that it made Safari open.

He tried the same thing in Camino and it also worked, again making Safari open.

I just tried Firefox and the bookmarklet also works, though I had Safari running already.

The reason why it is doing this is because WebnoteHappy is currently asking Safari for its current selection (to use as the initial notes) when you create a webnote by using the bookmarklet. I’m going to change this soon so that the current selection is retrieved via the bookmarklet itself. I’ll also be beefing up the keyboard shortcuts so that they work with those three browsers.

But until then, Camino, Firefox, and OmniWeb users can use the Add webnote bookmarklet as long as you don’t mind Safari sitting in the background. To do so, open up WebnoteHappy Lite and go to “File > Install Safari bookmarklet” and ignore the Safari part of it. :)

Thanks for the tip, Brian!

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